May 10, 2023
“An Old Flame With a New Wick” (March 1, 2004)
Despite the preconceptions you might have about Two and a Half Men, the fact remains that its first season features an episode centered on a trans man... when few other sitcoms ever bothered to tell a story about someone who’s trans and male. In fact, the previous sitcom of note to do a trans man storyline was the previous episode we had guest Henry Giardina on for: the Golden Girls episode with Gil Kessler. In this installment, we discuss why sitcoms are allergic to trans men and why Two and a Half Man, improbably, doesn’t completely fuck this up, even if it’s very early 2000s in its understanding of trans people.
Listen to Henry & co. on the Totally Trans podcats. And listen to the the trans man-centric (kinda) episode of The Golden Girls with Henry here.
Watch the “best fellatio known to mankind” scene that won Holland Taylor the Emmy for The Practice.
You can now watch Glen’s movie, Being Frank, on Freevee via Amazon Prime. WATCH IT NOW!Go shop at our TeePublic store!
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And yes, we do have an official website! We even have episode transcripts courtesy of Sarah Neal. Our logo was designed by Rob Wilson. This episode’s art was designed by Ian O’Phelan.
This is a TableCakes podcast.