Dec 14, 2022
“A Tale of Two Lesbians” (June 19, 2009)
It’s not exactly incorrect that you can summarize The Goode Family as “What if King of the Hill but liberal?” But that description makes it seem like Mike Judge’s follow-up to KotH didn’t have potential. It did, and just a few episodes in, it was world-building in a way few other series did, by giving viewers not just one lesbian couple but two — and they were nothing alike either! Imagine! Multiple representations of female queerness onscreen at the same time! We’re joined by longtime friend of the pod Mir Knight to discuss why this series didn’t succeed.
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And yes, we do have an official website! We even have episode transcripts courtesy of Sarah Neal. Our logo was designed by Rob Wilson. This episode’s art was designed by Ian O’Phelan.
This is a TableCakes podcast.