Jun 14, 2023
This week, we’re joined by Matt Baume, author of the new book Hi Honey, I’m Homo, about the history of LGBTQ representation on American TV. Instead of a single episode, we’re talking about several, including some we’ve covered previously on GEE and some we have not!
All in the Family, “Judging Books by Covers” (February 9, 1971)
Soap, “Episode 1.8” (November 8, 1977)
The Golden Girls, “Isn’t It Romantic?” (November 8, 1986) and “Sister of the Bride” (January 12, 1991)
Ellen, “The Puppy Episode” (April 30, 1997)
Will & Grace, “Homo for the Holidays” (November 25, 1999)
Schitt’s Creek, “Honeymoon” (April 15, 2015)
Go buy Matt’s book, Hi Honey, I’m Homo!
Watch the Carol Burnette clip with Jim Nabors and Rock Hudson that Drew mentions.
Watch the Ellen DeGeners appearance on Rosie O’Donnell that Matt mentions.
And here is that Australian marriage equality ad.
Listen to that deep dive about Cool World that Drew mentions.
There are a lot of references to episodes we’ve covered previously, and check them all out here:
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