Sep 15, 2021
(“The Beard,” February 9, 1995)
And… we’re back. Welcome to season five of Gayest Episode Ever, which is a lot like the previous seasons but with a few streamlining improvements. Our first episode looks at an Elaine-centric Seinfeld in which it’s supposed that a straight woman can cure a gay man if she tries hard enough and Melrose Place is a show that heterosexual men watch only in secret.
Listen to our previous Seinfeld episodes: Susan’s Dad Had an Affair With John Cheever and Jerry and George Aren’t Gay, Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That
Watch Drew’s video compilation of every LGBT joke ever on the history of The Simpsons.
Buy Glen’s movie, Being Frank.
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And yes, we do have an official website! We even have episode transcripts courtesy of Sarah Neal. Our logo was designed by Rob Wilson. This episode’s art was designed by Ian O’Phelan. This is a TableCakes podcast.