Mar 18, 2020
It's a GEE Q&A! Following the Golden Girls table read, we decided to take a week off, and it turns out we needed one more before we jump into the cycle of actual “episode” episodes. So in lieu of that, Drew and Glen answer a bunch of questions we've been sent by listeners over the past two years. We swear it’s actually content!
Call us and leave a message on the TableCakes Hotline at (209) 566-CAKE. No, really.
Listen to the two “lost” episodes that SoundCloud took offline but which are live again since we migrated to Libsyn: Everyone Loves Raymond’s Possibly Gay Brother and Rebecca Howe Suffers From Gay Blindness. Suck it, SoundCloud!
Buy Glen’s movie, Being Frank.
It’s not exactly a Spotify playlist of all the GEE outro tracks, but if you want to spend some time in that general territory, this might do the trick.
Support us on Patreon!
Follow: GEE on Twitter • Drew on Twitter • Glen on Twitter
Listen: iTunes • Spotify • Stitcher • Google Play • Google Podcasts • Himalaya • TuneIn • SoundCloud
And yes, we do have an official website! And we even have episode transcripts courtesy of Sarah Neal. Our logo was designed by Rob Wilson, however the special logo for this Patreon episode was designed by Jeff Hinchee.
This is a TableCakes podcast.
This episode’s outro track is “AM/FM” by Natasha King.